I kept the idea of making the SSB receiver by modifying a broadcast band receiver on hold for now. Initial testing shows unacceptable levels of noise from the radio circuit and the frequency instability in the built in tuner. The tuner jumps few hundred kHz per second. To make anything useful first of all the tuner must be re wired to some crystal based or PLL based tuner. I will try to do the tuner modification first when I manage some time.
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Broadcast band receiver mod is on hold
I kept the idea of making the SSB receiver by modifying a broadcast band receiver on hold for now. Initial testing shows unacceptable level...
I have just started to learn CW and realized that a code practice OSCILLATOR is very useful. Using simple 555 astable oscillator was ini...
The RSSI device is built around the famous LED bargraph driver IC LM3914. The radio IC CXA1019S when run from 3V supply generates a variabl...